Long Beach building revamped into new surgical centre


An aging building in Long Beach has been revamped to create a new surgical and rehabilitation center to help patients with pain management.

Construction Specifier said that M. Grisade Architect and Patterson Construction Group worked in tandem to convert the building — built in 1964 — into a modern space with two operating rooms and a physical therapy room.

“On this particular project, as it evolved, the realities of the aging building became very apparent. Instead of approaching them as many construction teams might — ignoring potential utility and infrastructure issues and making only minor repairs where they were found — we brought the issues to the attention of the owners and encouraged them to bring the building up to modern standards,” said Mark Grisafe, owner of M. Grisafe Architects.

According to Grisafe, the end result is much more than a remodeled building — It is a completely revitalized space, with new electrical and sewer lines, drywall, and a reinforced roof.


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