California unveils ambitious $180 billion infrastructure overhaul plan


California Construction News staff writer

California’s infrastructure is getting a significant makeover with a $180 billion in state, local, and federal funds over the next 10 years.

A list of projects is available at

“Everywhere you turn in California, construction crews are hard at work delivering infrastructure upgrades critical to our future,” said Gov. Gavin Newsom. “We are improving our roads and bridges, adding new sources of clean energy, bringing high-speed internet to more people, protecting communities from climate extremes, and restoring natural habitats.”

“Together, we’re building California’s future for all – and we’re doing it faster and at an unprecedented scale, unmatched anywhere in America.”

Investments will help California reach climate and clean energy goals while also creating up to 400,000 jobs.


Efforts to build cleaner, greener and safer communities are especially focused on improving people’s lives in areas that are disadvantaged, underserved or disproportionately burdened by pollution. California has invested nearly $25 billion in the past three years to increase climate resiliency and adaptation projects and build more infrastructure projects for water, environmental restoration, energy and many others.

Actions include:

  • Strengthening the state’s water resiliency, boost water supply and secure safe drinking water.
  • Building a 100% clean electric grid.
  • Moving away from fossil fuels.
  • Cleaning the air and restoring our natural spaces.
  • Restoring healthy forests while improving resiliency to wildfires.
  • Increasing shade and nature spaces in urban and underserved communities.


  • About halfway through the five-year Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) – also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – California has received about $30 billion in federal infrastructure funding to upgrade the state’s roads, bridges, rail, public transit, airports and seaports, and electric vehicle charging network.
  • Federal funding is on top of more than $10 billion in unprecedented state investments in transit and intercity rail projects, safe walking and biking options, and upgrades to the state’s economy-powering supply chain in the past two years.


  • California is in the middle of the biggest transformation of its power grid in a century. The continued rise in renewables and decline in fossil fuel use come as the state experiences an unprecedented barrage of climate impacts, from heat waves to drought and wildfires.
  • Non-fossil-fuel sources now make up 61 percent of retail electricity sales in California thanks to historic investment that has led to an extraordinary pace of development in new clean energy generation.


  • More than 65% of the Middle-Mile Broadband Network has reached the critical milestones of pre-construction, construction, purchase, and/or lease—nearly 15 months ahead of schedule. With approximately $2.9 billion currently at work and creating jobs, the Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative is on track to have 2,664 miles under construction by the end of this year.


  1. Amazing, $180 Billion over 1o years and the headline / summary :


    About halfway through the five-year Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) – also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – California has received about $30 billion in federal infrastructure funding to upgrade the state’s roads, bridges, rail, public transit, airports and seaports, and electric vehicle charging network.
    Federal funding is on top of more than $10 billion in unprecedented state investments in transit and intercity rail projects, safe walking and biking options, and upgrades to the state’s economy-powering supply chain in the past two years.


    California is in the middle of the biggest transformation of its power grid in a century. The continued rise in renewables and decline in fossil fuel use come as the state experiences an unprecedented barrage of climate impacts, from heat waves to drought and wildfires.
    Non-fossil-fuel sources now make up 61 percent of retail electricity sales in California thanks to historic investment that has led to an extraordinary pace of development in new clean energy generation.


    More than 65% of the Middle-Mile Broadband Network has reached the critical milestones of pre-construction, construction, purchase, and/or lease—nearly 15 months ahead of schedule. With approximately $2.9 billion currently at work and creating jobs, the Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative is on track to have 2,664 miles under construction by the end of this year.

    Without emphasis on water and wastewater. I don’t believe those topics are any more important than our need for sustainable water supplies, and wastewater treatment.

    I’d be happy to discuss with you. My impression is the Transportation, Energy and Broadband lobbyist spend more in Sacramento.


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