We’re less than 48 hours from the Jan. 31 close of nominations for the Construction Marketing Ideas 2018 Best Construction Blog competition. Within a few hours on Feb. 1, the two-month popular voting stage will start.
There are many qualified entries but I’m a little surprised that there aren’t more — at least considering the number of requests I receive each week for “guest posts” and for us to highlight and giver attention to some social media reference or another. It seems the search engine optimization “experts” are hoping to get a free ride on this site by snaring elusive high quality in-text hyperlinks.
While I deny all of these requests, if I’m nice, I try to suggest that, if they have a blog, they enter it in the competition. I make a commitment to review every qualified blog and am not too fussy about the qualification process. (The blog clearly needs to be related to the AEC industry, have useful original content, be maintained with some level of reasonable frequency, and not be an obvious canned “splog” or spammy document.) Each review of course gets those invaluable in-article hyperlinks, as well as a listing in the Construction Marketing Ideas blog directory.
And of course several blogs will advance to be finalists, and one will win the competition after the independent judges review the most popular seven blogs in April. And that means even more publicity for the winning blogger — and more useful hyperlinks.
I hope you’ll nominate your blog, or if you know a great blog (perhaps one of your clients, colleagues or suppliers) you can certainly nominate it as well. The form is right below this post. But note it will only be good until 8:45 PST on Jan. 31.