AGC of CA events postponed as part of COVID-19 precautions

The following is a statement from the AGC of California:
“As you are well aware, COVID-19, the Coronavirus, is impacting our state and nation in ways not anticipated even a week ago.
“The CDC, California Department of Public Health, and Governor Gavin Newsom have instituted guidelines and recommendations to limit exposure at public events and shared spaces. We’ve also heard from many member companies who are limiting travel and event attendance.

“Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to postpone all AGC of California and AGC Construction Education Foundation events through April.

“For the remainder of March, all AGC business meetings, including liaison, committee, and District Board meetings will be transitioned to video and conference calls. Your regional AGC staff and District leadership will be in direct contact to confirm upcoming meetings.

“We are continuing to actively monitor the situation and assess our events scheduled for May. Those events remain on the calendar as scheduled pending further notice. We will continue to alert you of any changes to AGC of California events.

“In the meantime, we encourage you to continue following CDC and California Department of Public Health protocols.”

Additionally, AGC Safety and Health Council developed resources are available here.


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