Work set to begin today on Burbank-L.A. water project


California Construction News staff writer

Construction begins today (Sept. 17) on the Burbank-Los Angeles Potable Water Project.

Work will include building a new water pipeline to connect the City of Burbank to existing water supply systems in Los Angeles and create a safe and sustained water supply for residents of both cities. When completed, the pipeline will reduce dependency on imported water and protect the local water supply, officials said.

Phase one of construction will happen in block-long segments over the next four months starting at Burbank Boulevard and Hollywood Way in Burbank and moving west to Clybourn Avenue.

About 0.6 miles of 18-inch ductile iron pipe will be installed about 25 feet below street level, using a specialized open-cut construction method for effective completion and reduced traffic impacts. The pipeline will be constructed through both commercial and residential streets, connecting the City of Burbank pipeline to the LADWP River Supply Conduit (RSC) in Los Angeles.

The Burbank-Los Angeles Potable Water Project, under oversight of the EPA, is a water pipeline project that will contribute to safe and sustained water supply for the residents of Burbank and Los Angeles, connecting existing City of Burbank and City of Los Angeles water systems.

The project will be owned, operated, and maintained by the City of Burbank and will utilize local groundwater as a sustainable drinking water source to reduce dependency on imported water.

Groundwater will come from wells in North Hollywood and routed to Burbank via separate pipeline where it will be treated at Burbank Operable Unit and the treated water mixed with MWD water will be conveyed back to Los Angeles via this intertie pipeline.

Phase two of this project is scheduled to begin in 2024.


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