City of LA receives $200 Million in state grants for active transportation projects


California Construction News staff writer

The City of Los Angeles will receive over $200 million in Active Transportation Program (ATP) grants following a vote by the California Transportation Commission (CTC).

“Our mission is to build a city that has safe, affordable, and sustainable transportation options for all residents in all neighborhoods because we know that when we create access to mobility we create access to opportunity,” said LADOT Interim General Manager Connie Llanos. “These grants, worth more than $200 million, allow us to deliver transformative projects in every corner of the city — from the Northeast San Fernando Valley to the Harbor — that will make communities safer, greener, and more connected.”

The CTC awarded ATP Cycle 6 grants to six projects:

Skid Row Connectivity and Safety Project ($38.6 million):

  • construct three miles of complete streets elements in the Skid Row neighborhood of Downtown Los Angeles
  • includes over two miles of protected Class IV bikeways, improved sidewalks, secure bike lockers, hydration stations, e-bike charging stations, high-visibility crosswalks, shade trees, and benches.

Osborne Street: Path to Park Access Project ($42.3 million)

  • focus on Osborne Street between San Fernando Road and Foothill Blvd to create a connected, complete street and improve access to transportation options, neighborhood destinations, open spaces and trails.
  • create pedestrian and bike safety improvements including enhanced pedestrian crossings, traffic signal modifications, and low-stress bicycle facilities to address community-identified mobility barriers.

Normandie Beautiful: Creating Neighborhood Connections in South LA ($23.58 million)

  • pedestrian and bike safety improvements including enhanced pedestrian crossings, traffic signal modifications, and low-stress bicycle facilities to address community-identified mobility barriers
  • Safety improvements are concentrated near Vermont Ave Elementary School — a “Top 50 School with the Most Need” as identified by LADOT’s Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan.

Wilmington Safe Streets – A people first approach ($32.33 million)

  • located near the Port of Los Angeles to provide active transportation connections for Wilmington community.
  • install Class II, 1 of 2 2 of 2 III, and IV bike facilities, pedestrian and ADA improvements, and traffic calming measures, and will improve safety for all modes

Western our Way: Walk and Wheel Improvements ($37.74 million)

  • significant safety improvements along nearly 7 miles of Western Ave from Washington to Century
  • includes dozens of new and upgraded crosswalks, traffic signals, pedestrian beacons, intersection tightening, and other treatments

LA River Greenway: East San Fernando Valley Gap Closure ($34.4 million)

  • construct approximately 3.2 miles of greenway gap closure along/adjacent to the LA River from Lankershim to Whitsett in the East San Fernando Valley
  • transform non-motorized environment by providing a safe and direct alternative to walking and biking on high-speed, high-volume arterials


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