San Bernadino hosting Jan. 12 public meeting on Airport Gateway plan


California Construction News staff writer

San Bernadino’s Inland Valley Development Agency (IVDA) is hosting a public meeting an open house at the Sterling Natural Resource Center in Highland on Jan. 12 from 6 to 8 p.m., on the Airport Gateway Specific Plan (AGSP). The project team will answer questions and discuss study findings.

The plan will guide the long-range development of a 678-acre area of land located immediately north of the San Bernardino International Airport.

Feedback is being invited on the draft program environmental impact report (Draft PEIR), which the IVDA is completing to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

“The CEQA process is important as it informs residents and decision-makers about a project and provides them an opportunity to comment,” the team said.

The AGSP envisions replacing the existing mix of uses within the planning area with about 9.2 million square feet of industrial mixed uses, requiring development of up to 260 acres of existing occupied acreage and conversion of about 209 acres of vacant land.

Also, due to the number of small parcels that exist within the AGSP, future developers and project proponents will be required to assemble land parcels in order to fully develop the AGSP.

The areas of most intense property consolidation must occur in the area between Tippecanoe and Del Rosa on the west and Victoria and the Central Avenue on the east and some of the existing industrial uses in the AGSP planning area may be compatible with the future land use designations.

The Project would require incremental installation of all the utility and roadway infrastructure required to support access and use of the land and environmental issues will be analyzed in the EIR including: aesthetics, agricultural and timberlands, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, energy, geology and soils, greenhouse gases/climate change, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use and planning, mineral resources, noise, population and housing, public services, recreation, transportation, tribal cultural systems, utilities and service systems, and wildfire.

The document is available for review until Feb. 13 at


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