LA County releases regional water plan for public review


California Construction News staff writer

Los Angeles County Public Works has released a draft County Water Plan for public review. By building on existing local and regional planning, the goal is to improve water infrastructure, healthy watersheds and optimize resource use.

According to Los Angeles County Public Works director Mark Pestrella, the County Water Plan is a response to these broad regional challenges.

“The County Water Plan is a comprehensive document that articulates a shared, inclusive, regional path forward to sustainably achieve safe, clean, and reliable water resources for all communities in Los Angeles County,” Pestrella said in a statement.

Water resources in Los Angeles County are increasingly stressed. Climate change has introduced a weather whiplash of intense droughts and torrential rainfall. Many of the County’s groundwater basins are over-drafted or polluted, and some of the region’s most vulnerable communities lack access to safe, reliable water supplies.

The new plan will coordinate efforts to develop and implement solutions to key water management issues working with local water agencies, stakeholders and the public.

More information is available and feedback can be submitted here during the 30 day public comment period.

The draft plan will be presented to the LA County Board of Supervisors for adoption later this year.


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