San Francisco to prioritize mid-rise housing in transit corridors


California Construction News staff writer

San Francisco’s housing plan has a new focus, including refining the rezoning proposal to “better deliver housing.”

Staff have been directed to use their new draft citywide rezoning proposal and make revisions to prioritize mid-rise housing in more locations adjacent to high-capacity transit corridors and major institutions and to reconsider certain height increases on corridors.

Also, it is expected that the Board of Supervisors will approve a proposal from Mayor London Breed to remove arbitrary density limits on commercial corridors across San Francisco.

“Housing for All is about doing the hard and necessary work to make it easier to create the new homes San Francisco so badly needs,” Breed said. “If we want to be a city that families can afford to live in, where workers can be near their jobs, where seniors and young people can find safe, affordable places to live, then we need to completely change our approach to housing.

“We have made real progress this first year, but there is much more work to do to deliver real and lasting change to make San Francisco a city for all.”

A large bulk of the housing growth will come from continuing to deliver major housing projects, especially in the current challenging economic climate, according to the mayor, and legislation has been introduced to move Treasure Island, a 1,000-unit project, into the next phase of development.


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