Santa Barbara starts construction on Mission Creek restoration at Oak Park


California Construction News staff writer

The City of Santa Barbara’s Creeks Division has started construction on the Mission Creek restoration project at Oak Park. The project spans an 1,800-foot section of Mission Creek which has been degraded over time due to previous construction of hardened banks and a modified creek bed.

“Creek restoration is a vital part of the Creeks Division’s mission to enhance creek health and improve water quality within the City of Santa Barbara,” stated Interim Creeks Division Manager Melissa Hetrick. “This project aims to improve wildlife habitat, water quality, creek and park aesthetics, and flood control.”

Key elements of the project include removal of invasive non-native plants, restoration of he creek channel, and revegetation with native plants and trees. A restored creek channel will enhance shelter, food supply, and access for wildlife. Native trees will shade and cool the creek, while native plants will naturally filter pollutants from the water. Removal of aging concrete structures in the creek will also improve aesthetics.

Construction is expected to be completed by October, with plant and tree installation scheduled for the fall.


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