Public hearings scheduled for Good Samaritan Hospital expansion in San Jose


California Construction News staff writer

The City of San Jose has released the Final Environmental Impact Report (First Amendment) for the Good Samaritan Hospital Project, a major development aimed at enhancing healthcare services in the region. The report is now available for public review on the city’s official website.

The project involves a planned development rezoning to create a Commercial General (CG) Planned Development Zoning District. Key components include the demolition of the existing bed tower and daycare center, followed by the phased construction of two new hospital wings, which will encompass approximately 750,000 square feet.

Also, a new 200,000-square-foot medical office building, two parking garages, and a central utility plant with underground water and sewer holding tanks will be constructed to support 72 hours of emergency operation at the hospital.

The expansion will increase the number of licensed acute care beds from 404 to 419 and is projected to generate a net increase of 958 jobs. Construction is expected to span approximately 10 years.

Public hearings regarding the project will be held on Oct. 23, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 200 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose. Community members can attend in person or join via teleconference (Zoom), although public comments will only be accepted in person.

For those interested in reviewing the Planning Commission agendas or the details of the project, additional information can be found on the city’s website.

The project, situated on a 20-acre site at 2425 Samaritan Dr. and 2333 Samaritan Pl., is designed to bolster healthcare infrastructure in the southwestern area of San Jose, near the borders of Los Gatos and Campbell.


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