Oakland launches new ‘rapid permits’ for instant approvals


California Construction News staff writer

The City of Oakland has updated its permitting process with ten new “rapid permits” available through the Online Permit Center. The goal is to streamline and expedite the issuance of permits, providing applicants with instant approval upon completion of the application and fee payment.

Processes will eliminate waiting for approvals that could take days. Now, applicants can apply for and receive these permit types in real-time.

Newly added rapid permits include:

These additions complement existing lead-based paint (LPB) and solar permits. Re-Roofing permits and insulation certificates for insulation installation will also be added this quarter. Other additions will include roll out of a new Building Combination permit (B) for apartment unit remodels and minor commercial tenant improvements (TI); and Residential Building Combination (RBC) for less complex bathroom and kitchen remodels and other minor home improvements.

With just a few clicks, applicants can log in or easily register, submit their applications, make payments from their computer or mobile device, and witness the automatic issuance of their permits.

“Our team has worked diligently to identify opportunities for improvement. The consolidation of permit types and the introduction of instant approvals demonstrate our dedication to simplifying processes,” said Planning & Building Director Bill Gilchrist.We are excited about the positive impact this will have on our residents, businesses, and institutions.”

Click here to visit the Online Permit Center.


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